Couples Pussy Pumping

Couples Pussy Pumping – Awesome Whopping Reward

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Couples Pussy Pumping

I am a pussy pumper – so let you tell me about my Couples Pussy Pumping experiences. Being proud to be a pussy pumper, today I write to you to bring you the low down of pussy pumping play.

Consider this, pussy pumping 101.

I was once like you, sitting on the other side of the screen reading people write about their experiences with pussy pumping. Wondering if it was the thing for me. I asked myself several questions such as;

Will pussy pumping hurt, or will it cause damage?

Will my vagina look like vaginas in porn movies?

Will the vaginal swelling go down?

Will my sexual partner find it weird that I want to pump my pussy?

I had all of these questions in my head, and more. After having used them, after considering myself experienced with them, I think that they are delightfully humble little sex toys. They can bring a whole new meaning to your sex life, your joy of sex, and the pleasures of sex.

Times have changed, my partner and I are incredibly happy and I am very happy to say that we now enjoy the use of a pussy pump together. It’s a unique experience for both of us, as it doesn’t directly provide sexual pleasure, but it can result in sexual pleasure. Over my time as reading pussy pumping forums and the like. I’ve seen a hell of a lot of questions being asked about vaginal pumping on the internet.

These questions are both from men and women, who might be interested in using vaginal pumps on themselves, or with their partner but are a little unsure of how to begin or what to do.

So here it is, my comprehensive guide to vaginal pumping that can be read by anyone, but is primarily aimed at men, so that you can take the fast road into the enjoyment of a pump and avoid all the mistakes that I made.

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Why Would Anyone Want To Use A Pussy Pump?

Yes, they look a little crazy and contrary to popular belief their not designed to suck the semen out of you after sex, nor will they cause your insides to fall out. The two main benefits of the pussy pump are the look and the feel of the pump itself. There are many men out there, and women, who are specifically attracted to pumped up pussies.

A quick look through Tumblr will reveal page, after page, after page of pumped up pussies with swollen vulva’s. Others might enjoy the sensations that pussy pumping provides.

I for one specifically enjoy the increased sensations, and my partner just loves the look and couldn’t care less for the appearance. My vagina is my vagina and there’s not much I can do about that, but it makes my partner happy. Since I also get something out of it, I’m more than happy to oblige him.

Still there are others out there looking for a tighter vaginal feel, and there are other folks in the world who get a kick of the medical look of the device and love incorporating it into their BDSM and role play scenes.

Dr Laura Berman has a vibrating clitoral pump.

A clitoral pump accelerates blood flow and increases vaginal sensitivity and sensations. The pump is designed to promote blood flow and assist women who might have delayed orgasms, or take a little longer to achieve climax than others.

I’ve been there. I’ve tried them. And one thing that I learnt was to measure up. There’s no one size fits all pussy pump out there, believe it or not!

It makes sense right? One Size Does Not Fit All!

First, everyone is different and secondly if you don’t measure up all you’re going to receive is pain and disappointment. You need to be measuring yourself from just above the clitoral shaft, and right down to the base of the perineum. From there you can also measure from one side of your bikini line to the other.

Unlike penis pumps which have virtually every size and width available, vaginal pumps are a little more limited, and whilst it’s going to be very difficult to find a perfect fit, you’ll need to just get the closest size one, grip on tight and hope for the best.

When the suction cup is too large the cup might include the anal region. Resulting in the fact that every time you suck, it’ll be sucking at a particularly sensitive area, and pulling the skin around your anus. Not very comfortable, and doesn’t at all feel good. Cups that are too large can be quite painful as a result of this.

When the cups are too small, there will not be enough suction provided to the area that you need it to, resulting in a disappointing level of suction. After my experience with the large cup I had mistakenly thought that my vagina was on the petite size of the scale and bought a cup marketed at the petite. I could never get the level of suction I wanted resulting in some very disappointing sessions.

My Experiences Lubricant Make The Pumping Sessions Better

The use of a pussy pump is covered elsewhere in this site, so I don’t want to rehash that too aggressively. What I will stress the importance of is the use of lubricant and shaving the bikini line to ensure the perfect seal.

This is probably the trickiest bit of the entire session, trying to get the right seal to begin your pumping session. Lube it up and begin. Having a partner might help in this regard because they can more easily check the placement and make the adjustments necessary in order to get that seal.

For this the best position to be in will be to be laying on your back with your legs spread outward. From here, have the resting on the pubic mound making sure that the bottom of the pussy pump cup has covered your vaginal entrance, and is resting on the perineum and not too far down.

Different types of pussies pumped
Pussy Pumping Illustrated Guide

This I How My Pussy Pump Is Fitted

You’ll need to add a teeny tiny bit of pressure. Push gently onto the cup and push it into the skin. This will help enormously in the development of a seal and ensuring that there is an airtight connection. Just remember to be gentle with this. Once you have applied a small amount of pressure, squeeze the bulb and gently release it to form the seal.

If you’ve done everything correctly you will see the labia and the clitoris being sucked into the pump. If you haven’t, then a seal won’t be formed and you’ll need to reposition the cup into the correct place and repeat the above process until a seal has been formed.

If you’re using the pussy pump on your partner, ensure that you’re communicating, especially if you have any doubts. If you’re a little unsure. Hand her (or him) the cup and the bulb and let her guide it. She will know her body, and she can feel what’s going on more closely than you. If you’re a little worried about hurting her, or unsure of how much pressure she can talk, walk through it together. If she’s a little nervous, try upping her arousal with a small clitoral vibrator, an external massage, or some oral sex.

What is suction play?

It is important for BDSM kink play, as well as all the fun things you can do with suction play. This video explores clitoral and nipple suction play as well as how to ensure the utmost of safety during these types of play.

The effects of the suction are felt most during the release of the bulb, and not necessarily during the squeeze. Remember this as you don’t want to cause your partner any pain during the exercise, and nor do you want to lose any suction. When my partner and I first started playing with suction play and a vaginal pump, he would squeeze the bulb slowly to increase the suction, and then release it fast.

This is not what you want to do at all. I know that it seems more logical to do it like that. What happens though is that through releasing the bulb quickly, it causes the air to be sucked out of the cup very quickly, and that can cause the vulva to be sucked back quickly into the cup. If one is already at their limit that sensation can be a little too painful and intense. The problem with squeezing the bulb too slowly, means that there’s the potential to quickly lose suction as well, so the golden rule that seemingly applies to this situation is to squeeze fast and release it slowly.

Your Pussy Pumping Sessions Should Be Done Slowly and Gently

The entire session will need to done slowly and not rushed. Sucking with a toy is a lot more intense than through cunnilingus and other such foreplay activities. The cup has a much larger surface area, and there can be a higher level of suction that can be achieved with one’s mouth. This means that the seal on the cup is much stronger.

If I need to spell it out to you, I will – mouths have nice soft plump edges whereas pussy pumps do not. Pussy pumps will have a silicone or rubber edge which is rigid.

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Watching Porn During a PussyPumping Session Is A Turn On

If you’re watching porn during this kind of sexual stimulation do not let the porn guide you. When I am using a pussy pump it can take up to 30 minutes plus before I achieve that plump look that my partner likes. I don’t know what they’re doing on some of the fetish porn or whether that’s just me being wimpy, or what’s happening there. But if I don’t take it slowly I end up in pain and it’s just not going to work for what I want it to do.

I guess what I’m trying to say in some convoluted way, is to be patient, if what you’re after isn’t happening right away, then that’s perfectly okay. It might take some time, or it might require the use of a different pump, but don’t let disappointment ruin the buzz because as long as it fits, and you can get a decent seal and some solid suction – then something is definitely going to happen.

Tips For First Time Users of Pussy Pumps

The first time that you use the pump, whether that’s alone or together, there’s going to be mistakes. It happens when you’re using new toys and especially toys that use suction, or are inflatable, or vibrate in a different way to normal. Sometimes it  takes a while to get accustomed to especially if you’re learning. It’s a new sensation and you’re just learning how to apply that new sensation into your sexual activity.

Have an open and honest communication here. If something hurts, or something is not feeling just quite right, then it needs to be adjusted and reapplied, or something else needs to be done. My partner and I had many giggles as we learnt how to use the pump. From there we had to distinguish whether it was the pump that was causing the issue or our use of the pump. As such we’d use the same pump continuously over several different sessions to see if the pump was at fault, or whether it was us.

Experimentation With Your PussyPump Is Good

As you experiment with the pump, you’ll realise that it is primarily a game of stop and start. There can be massive differences between the intensity of one squeeze in comparison to the second squeeze. So take it one squeeze at a time, until she lets you know that she’s there, hold it at that point for either a few seconds or minutes depending on the ability to handle the sensation. Air will slowly release from the cup, even with the best of seals, so it’s important to keep the pump ‘topped up’.

As with any seal, air can and eventually will leak into the cup. If she starts to feel the pressure of the cup dropping – then give the bulb a gentle quarter squeeze just to refresh it. You might need to do this every 20 seconds or so, depending on the body and the cup

By now, if you haven’t realized, the best way for a pussy pump to work is with a continued level measure of pressure and suction. To do this, you’re going to need a pump that works properly. If you’re finding that the pump you’re using or have previously purchased, just isn’t doing what you want. Ensure that it’s not through user error, then head to your local adult lifestyle store and get some further advice.

Visit Your Local Adult Shop To Get Some Advice With Your First Purchase

In saying this about your pump, it is advised that you release the suction every now and then during the session. The sensation of this can feel absolutely amazing though it really depends on her personal preferences and her ability to handle sensation. Prolong the session – if you pump her up, keep her at her limit for a while, and then release the suction, either a little bit, or completely.

This will also help with blood flow, sensitivity issues and a variety of other sexual dysfunctions as well. Penis pumps work in a similar way, the vacuum will help with erectile dysfunction for mature men, as well as a variety of other sexual dysfunctions. With vacuum pressure being applied across both genders, and having proven success, you can rest assured that your vaginal and clitoral pumping will assist in some way.

The breaks in suction will also give a break from the intense sensation of being sucked at. Taking the break will end the session, nor will it impede on the swelling or the increased sensitivity. Keep repeating this process, and trying to push the body further a little each time.

What Can You Expect The First Time You Use A Pussy Pump?

The first few sucks of the pump are going to feel absolutely amazing. She’ll feel the suction on her labia and her clitoris and it’s going to drive her insane. Her clit will harden, and she will feel some swelling from the rush of blood to the region. There’ll be a nice tingly sensation as the nerves are activated and this is the perfect place that you want to be for people that are having difficulty in achieving orgasmic pleasure.

Notice how I said the first few sucks. The more you pump, the more intense the sensation and feelings can get. If you’re specifically looking for the swollen look, then you will need to be pushing the body to its limits on the pleasure and pain sensation scale.

It’s a mix, on the one hand the suction on your genitals are going to feel absolutely amazing. On the other hand the sensation can feel a little uncomfortable due to the ferocity of the sensation can feel a little uncomfortable due to the edges of the cup which can dig in as the pressure increases. It certainly is not a horrible pain but it can be distracting. Just remember to take it slow, increase the pressure slowly and overtime, and you should come out alright.

Incorporate Mind Games In Your Couples Play

There’s also a bit of mental stimulation in this as well, at least that is what I found. The knowing that you will get more sensitive, that the feelings will drive you over the edge. Then there’s the thought that your partner is holding the cup, the taboo and naughty nature of the activity. Of course the pleasure of watching each other’s eyes light up as both of you enjoy the situation at hand.

A short instructional video on how to use a pussy pump from a person who loves to pump her own pussy. Simple, straightforward and to the point.

Use This As Your Pussy Pump FAQ Guide

This is a Pussy Pump FAQ, and it needs to be stated that the swelling is only temporary. In fact once you stop pumping the swelling will subside and go down pretty quickly. The majority of the effects will last up to an hour or so, and everything will have returned to normal by the next day.

Couples Pussy Pumping

Keep in mind that I am not a doctor, nor do I have any qualifications in the medical profession. However, I will point out that most doctors that would comment on pussy pumping, might never have tried it themselves, or they might have seen cases of extreme pumping. Any sexual activity has risks, especially when user manuals are not adhered to or the toy is misused, or used incorrectly.

I personally have never experienced any harm, or damage from the use of a pussy pump. But there is always a possibility with any sexual aide that you use.

Take it slow and listen to your partner.