Pussy Pumping Testimonials

Pussy Pumping Testimonials – This Is What People Are Saying

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Pussy Pumping Testimonials

Read pussy pumping testimonials from women and couples that have introduced pussy pumps into their sexual foreplay.

Pussy Pumping Testimonials!

I introduced my wife to pumping because I have been penis pumping for three years and she finally agreed. Now we are pumping buddies and we pump together every morning. I connect her to my pump and use a much lower pressure.

She is so wet when she wakes and can’t wait until we get hooked up. We pump for and hour and then I hook up her clit tube so she can wear it while doing her normal things. We are having a ball


I pump my clit at work. I love to pump my clit at work when everyone is around, but they don’t have a clue about what I am doing. My clit is over 1″ long nearly all the time. I pump 5-6 times a week for 20-30 minutes each time.

I sometimes pump in the car when driving to work or on trips. I love having a large clit, and my husband loves to “suck” my swollen clit until I get off. He can “jack me off” to orgasm by rubbing the skin up and down the shaft of my large clit.


When I first decided to purchase a pussy pump I was a little sceptical because of some of the reviews that I read. However upon opening the box it was obvious that it was a quality product like every other Doc Johnson product we have owned (the exact reason I purchased this one). Some of the problems that I read about with this product is that people said that the cup was too big, that it didn’t get suction unless you had some meat down there, and the hard plastic hurt their pubic bone while pumping.

Our experience however was the complete opposite. I would consider my wife to be “fit” 5’7″ and 125 pounds and the cup fit fine and worked properly. It could have been a little smaller but since this is a one size fits most product, it is important to remember that it won’t fit everyone perfectly (not custom molded to each person). After applying a little lube around the edge of the cup we got excellent suction! Since it was our first time using this type of product we were sure to take our time so that it didn’t cause any discomfort both on her pubic bone and from the suction.

We spent about 10 minutes playing with the pump, increasing the suction as we went to maximize pleasure and minimize discomfort. After a few minutes my wife could feel the effects of the pump turning her on. After we were done the results were amazing and it took her less than half of the time to climax. We were both pleasantly surprised for not having any expectations. This is for sure one of the best products in our large collection!!!



I had seen the question several times asking if you needed to be completely shaved so when I decided I was going to buy one I let myself get a little fuzzy. And the answer is no you don’t have to be shaved, though it is better if you are. The suction is lost a little easier if you have fur but not completely. It will take a tad bit longer. Be sure when you do start to pump for the first time don’t try to go all porn star on yourself.

Take your time. Allow your body to learn what it’s going to be doing and it will be much more rewarding an experience. By the third time my hubby and i had pumped I was filling up the cup and sensation was incredible. Don’t expect mind blowing changes first rattle out of the box, but it will happen pretty quickly if you are just patient and give your body a chance to get used to it. You need to leave the suction on to whatever degree you are comfortable for about 20 mins or even longer to actually achieve the enlargement you are attempting.

Just a couple of pumps for a few minutes is not going to enlarge nor allow it to last. The more often you do it the more sensitive you will become. I will say after the first and second time we used it I was tender right where the cup was placed. The cup itself is very rigid and has zero give. All that being said happy pumping!!!



Suction is very very strong but be careful because it really does suction! Have had no issues with the seal. Once its pumped a couple of times, it will self-stick. After a minute, pump again to maintain suction. I wouldn’t recommend pumping too often, it is guaranteed to make your bits SORE if over used! 8-0.


We have tried a number of toys but this is by far my wife’s favourite. It may seem quite different than the normal penetrating toys but it is by far more exciting. She gets off so fast after using this.


Have been using this pump for around a year now and I love it! It takes a little positioning at first, but when it’s in the right place it’s amazing. Brilliant to use during foreplay. The sight of watching your pussy swell is such a turn-on. It also makes everything feel tighter and more sensitive. That’s never a bad thing!


I was a bit apprehensive about buying a pussy pump as my boyfriend wasn’t keen on the idea. It came quickly and in discreet packaging. But it’s safe to say best investment I’ve ever made. It makes everything so sensitive, and the boyfriend loves it. It’s also really easy to use and the suction is great. If you’re thinking about buying one – definitely do!


At first, it’s a little bit painful. Though I am a lightweight when it comes to pain. I also have to keep my legs pretty far apart as well as elevate my pelvis to keep the cup from losing any suction. This part of the routine sucks, as it can get pretty uncomfortable after a while. After 30ish minutes, the swelling really starts to show and from here is where the good stuff begins. The effects will linger for a day or so. It’s a mixed feeling. On the one hand, it makes things way more sensitive. On the other hand, I find that my labia can get pretty swollen and sore sometimes especially from aggressive pumping. Overall, it’s pretty fun, and I like the way that my partner attacks me after pumping.

My beautiful and loving wife has never had a very sensitive clit and she says this has gotten worse since having children. A few years ago I found out about female pumping so I got a cheap set and we gave it a go. She was in total control the entire time and she said that it was hurting so it only lasted a few minutes. I’ve done a bit of penis and nipple pumping on myself for the last couple of months with great results so I brought up the conversation and she agreed to give clit pumping another try.

This time I took the control and I took things really slowly. She has quite small inner lips on her vagina and a fairly small clitoris as well but whilst being pumped she swelled up really nicely and after about 25 minutes it was nice and plump and we had a really good play session. We had a conversation afterwards and she said it was mildly more sensitive afterwards but felt nothing at all while being pumped.