FREE Erotic stories featuring pussy pumping and clitoral enlargement are hard to come by. ENJOY THEM NOW!
Sharing My Pussy Pumping Experience I never thought I’d be researching something like pussy pumps or sharing my own pussy pumping experience. It wasn’t exactly a topic that came up in everyday conversation, and if I’m being honest, I didn’t even know they existed until recently. But, like most things, once I discovered them, I… Read More…
I am a pussy pumper – so let you tell me about my Couples Pussy Pumping experiences. Being proud to be a pussy pumper, today I write to you to bring you the low down of pussy pumping play. Consider this, pussy pumping 101. I was once like you, sitting on the other side of… Read More…
Pussy Pumping Experience – I’m fairly private in my sexual activities, and I had no idea that other women were also into pumping their clit. I started when I found my BF’s penis pump; just wanted to experience the sensation of the vacuum pressure. Before I started I had a huge clit anyway (about 2 inches),… Read More…
Hi I’m Nancy and I’m 35 years of age and let me tell you about my Pussy Pumping Experience. I work a common place Mon-Fri job. I’m single, no children, and live in a little house in an average neighbourhood in New South Wales, Australia. Nothing unique, that is without a doubt. I wouldn’t worry… Read More…